Monday, 7 November 2011

Living With Bipolar a Black Cloud

The Bookshop Guru

Living with Bipolar

Sometimes it’s difficult to express how I feel living with bipolar. But I have to say I am disappointed and frustrated with how things have turned out.  Sales of my book have been disappointing, maybe that’s due to the fact that the public see that it was a mental health publisher who published my book. Maybe people feel someone who has mental health issues cannot help others cope. I chose to write a book about my experience at university and how to cope with the stresses and strain that university can place on you. I put a lot of effort into writing this book as a real story of how to pass a degree, not only as a study guide but also a witty and personal experience of do’s and don’ts of a passing a degree.

It wasn’t long after passing my MSc that life was about to kick me in the teeth again. I had been offered two highly paid jobs as a software engineer in London. Yet, I found myself in hospital for a month, having had several manic episodes. I was severely ill. Even when I was released from hospital I was still very ill. My world came crashing down. Eventually, I started to write the book. I was still ill, but I hoped the focus of writing would help me recover. Slowly, I did recover, but my career as a software engineer was over. I couldn’t deal with the stress and besides I now had bipolar to contend with.

At the time I was alone and trying to cope with bipolar. My son and daughter didn’t understand what bipolar meant, and nor did I. I had to go out find out myself. I surfed the internet and read what I could about bipolar. I began to understand what bipolar was. Sometimes dealing with bipolar became a living hell. I find bipolar difficult to express and often misunderstood. Eventually, I had regular counselling sessions and still do. I would say to my mental health counsellor and  my doctor that the best way I could describe how I felt was using the analogy of living under a ‘black cloud’ day to day.

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Today, I try my best to deal with this disability. But it isn’t easy when that black cloud descends upon me without warning. I find it hard sometimes to do anything. I push myself, but I can’t avoid the ups and downs of this disorder. I imagine and hope that maybe one day my book will help you. Read it and tell me what you think.
Are you listening,  what are you dreaming?

As Jesus said, “belief is everything.”

In my latest book “It’s Never Too Late” read how dreams do come true, but be careful what you wish for. Understand the secret of greed and you will attain one of the secrets of prosperity. The book will also take you on a journey and explores love, money, luck, and much more.


Hey, Chuck. Did you bring any spending money? Viva la vida loca.

Conducting Survey into Precognitive Choices

Which would you prefer half-price digital or paperback?

 Read my latest book "It's Never Too Late" by Anthony Fox,  published by Chipmunka Publishing

Thursday, 3 November 2011

In Search of a Dead Guitar Player

The Bookshop Guru

Book Review: The Killing Floor by Lee Child

This is the first of Lee Child’s series of novels about the action hero Jack Reacher. A fast paced crime thriller. The tough ex-military cop goes in search of a dead guitar player. Who apparently died in mysterious circumstances many years ago in the area? Reacher finds his way to Margrave a small town in rural Georgia, USA. After walking miles in the rain Reacher wanders into a diner and settles down to have some breakfast only to find moments later he is surrounded by cops and arrested and thrown in jail. He finds out that there have been some murders at the edge of town. And there hasn’t been a murder in the town for over 30 years.

It seems Reacher is the fall guy, the stranger. Later, he is thrown in prison only to find out someone is trying to kill him. He deals with that. He takes them out. And an eye for an eye prison justice. Meanwhile, Reacher’s alibi is confirmed and is released from prison. Reacher doesn’t know who to trust. Luckily, for him, he finds help in the shape of an attractive female brunette, another fellow cop. Between the rides in bed Reacher discovers the truth about the Kilner foundation. Reacher gets rustled into the police investigation and finds out his brother Joe has been killed. He will avenge his brother’s murder.

It seems the whole town is plagued by the Kilner foundation which controls and spreads itself into everyone’s life. Like a sickness it corrupts the arteries of honest people and most of the local police force. The locals have become seduced by easy money. Reacher now needs to find out how the Kilner foundation makes their money and how they have been spending it. But Reacher knows one thing he wants the murderer of his brother Joe more than anything. He will stop at nothing. The anger is there waiting to erupt on the next bad guy. Kill, kill, and kill.

Boxes of counterfeit money and plenty of dead bodies litter this novel. Just the way Reacher likes it. I would recommend reading this novel as a starter to an interesting series of novels about Jack Reacher. I don’t think you will be disappointed. I like the writing style. It’s quick. It’s fun. It will keep you turning the page.

Are you listening,  what are you dreaming?

As Jesus said, “belief is everything.”

In my latest book “It’s Never Too Late” read how dreams do come true, but be careful what you wish for. Understand the secret of greed and you will attain one of the secrets of prosperity. The book will also take you on a journey and explores love, money, luck, and much more.

Hey, Chuck. Did you bring any spending money? Viva la vida loca.

Conducting Survey into Precognitive Choices

Which would you prefer half-price digital or paperback?

 Read my latest book "It's Never Too Late" by Anthony Fox,  published by Chipmunka Publishing