several weeks of utter scams and tits you
soon realise this country has no longer any decency. The world of chat line
terrestrial TV is available 24/7 just in time for breakfast. Imagine soon your
family and kids will be able to see everything with their cornflakes. “Mom what
does BJ mean?” Pass the milk son and eat your breakfast. Meanwhile on the other
channel that your 4 year old keeps flicking the remote to - you can watch a
women being “phucked” by a hairy arse ape-man. Depends I guess on your
preference, of course. High fibre and low fat. But you have to ask the question
– do we want to feed our children or “phuck” them?
Are you listening, what are you dreaming?
As Jesus said, “belief is everything.”
In my latest book “It’s Never Too Late” read how dreams do come true, but be careful what you wish for. Understand the secret of greed and you will attain one of the secrets of prosperity. The book will also take you on a journey and explores love, money, luck, and much more.
Hey, Chuck. Did you bring any spending money? Viva la vida loca.
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Read my latest book "It's Never Too Late" by Anthony Fox, published by Chipmunka Publishing
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