Saturday, 16 July 2011

Bread and Butter Reality

The Bookshop Guru

As a writer we like to think we can coin the next catch-phrase or meme. Apparently Richard Dawkins in ‘The Selfish Gene’ coined the phrase ‘meme’ as a word to describe how fashionable idioms become part of our culture.

Captivatingly, memes become part of everyday life. They evolve just as we are. Just like ‘bread and butter reality’ which is a phrase I coined to describe the basics of everyday life. It doesn’t take much to realise that if you have no food, and plenty of people around the world suffer with this dilemma every day, then that’s your reality, it’s stark. It’s like staring at the same black hole every day.

So what is your meme?

P.S. Sponsored by Madbrokes a comedian on antidepressants.


In my latest book “It’s Never Too Late” read how dreams do come true, but be careful what you wish for. Understand the secret of greed and you will attain one of the secrets of prosperity. The book will also take you on a journey and explores love, money, luck, and much more.


Hey, Chuck. Did you bring any spending money? Viva la vida loca.

Conducting Survey into Precognitive Choices

Which would you prefer half-price digital or paperback?

 Read my latest book "It's Never Too Late" by Anthony Fox,  published by Chipmunka Publishing

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